Attainable New Year's Resolutions - One Step At A Time

  • 2 min read

As we welcome a new year, we’re bombarded with long lists of things we should do to *reset* our lives, or to become *better versions of ourselves*. Often, all of these shoulds can become a bit overwhelming, and it can be challenging to follow through with even one resolution.

Our cofounder Shayna approaches resolutions in a simple way, to help ensure the shifts she makes for her family have true longevity. “I find I don’t get overwhelmed by the process of bettering my ways by doing one at a time and then practicing it for a year before I make another change.”

As a Mom, Shayna is always thinking about small things she can adjust within her house, with the health of her family in mind.

“I make new year’s resolutions every year and I use it as a time to make a change to my household, to make it more efficient for the environment or less toxic. I do one change a year.”

Here’s some examples of simple swaps Shayna has integrated into her household over the last several years –

    1. Swap Dishwasher Detergent For A More Eco-Friendly Option
      + Find Options By EcoverBeyond
    2. Swap Laundry Detergent For A Healthier Option
      + Find Options By Charlie’s SoapMolly’s Suds
    3. Start Composting In A Way That Works
      * for me, this means collecting food scraps and putting them in the green bin
    4. Invest In Glass Tupperware
      + Find Options By Pyrex
    5. Swap Disposables For Cloth Napkins
      * the key being to buy enough cloth napkins to last a few days, so you can really depend on them
    6. Invest In Metal Water Bottles For The Family
      + Find Options By Kleen Kanteen

For Shayna, taking the initiative to adjust one thing in her household each year has really paid off –  “I have never made a change and gone back on it.” This exceptional track record is not only rewarding, it’s also motivating to continue adding fresh changes into her family’s lifestyle each year.

“My new year’s resolution is always a change in the way my house runs for the better. Something I change in January and it becomes the way we do things.”

Easy lifestyle changes - once you implement them – can quickly become part of your family’s everyday routine. These are great ways to show your kids that being less wasteful or more *sustainable* can happen through simple lifestyle adjustments.

Stay tuned – this is just the beginning of our new series that showcases Mom Tips from Shayna, focused on simple ways to integrate less wasteful actions into your family’s lifestyle.

Written by: Kestrel Jenkins, responsibility consultant & host of the Conscious Chatter podcast.
