August 31, 2023 | 0 min read
For us parents out there, searching for ways to instill good qualities in our kids can become another job. Whether we aspire for them to be happy, thoughtful and respectful humans; or we want to set them up so they can find a fulfilling career, it’s hard to know which approaches will work best, especially when every child is unique.
For one pediatrician who recently went viral on TikTok, it’s pretty simple – get them engaged with chores at a young age. His theories draw from clinical and personal experience, as well as decades of research that has linked chores with childhood development.
As Dr. Williams told People in a recent article, "The idea is that when children feel involved in shared responsibilities, they realize they're contributing to part of a larger ecosystem, and there's a real sense of self-worth that comes from that.”
And it’s not just self-worth that can develop from chores – daily tasks can also help instill empathy, encourage kids to be less self-centered, motivate good work ethic, and inspire more of a community mindset.
According to our cofounder Shayna, it’s all about understanding which chores are best for your kids at different ages and stages. She thinks about it in tiers – Starting Chores, Middle Chores & Advanced Chores.
As every kid is different, you’ll be able to determine when starting chores is best for your child, and which chores are the best fit for your child at varying stages. If the tasks are something your kids can actually do on their own, they’re more motivated to do them, because they can complete them and get that feeling of *accomplishment*.
Remember that doing tasks together always helps get the process going and can make easing into it much smoother. Every family is different and human behavior doesn’t fit into neat little boxes – so be open to finding the approaches that work best for you and your kids.
1. Starting Chores (good for toddlers or young children)
• Unload The Dishwasher
• Meal Cleanup (bring dishes to sink)
• Give Food & Water To Pets
• Clean Up Toys / Their Own Room
2. Middle Chores (good for kids in elementary school)
• Help Unload And Put Away Groceries
• Put Leftover Food Away After A Meal
• Take Out Compost, Garbage & Recycle Bins
• Put Own Laundry Away
3. Advanced Chores (good for older teenagers)
• Laundry
• Mow The Lawn
• Wash Dishes
• Clean The House
• Water Plants
Getting your kids involved with chores is not just about helping out around the house – these activities are giving them the chance to learn life skills that they will continue to use regularly in the years to come.
Written by: City Threads Cofounders Shayna Samuels & Joe Willis, and Kestrel Jenkins, responsibility consultant & host of the Conscious Chatter podcast.